Get in touch with us

TM Travel

Halfway Bus Garage

Station Road



South Yorkshire

S20 3GZ


Timetable enquiries Traveline: 0871 200 22 33


Other enquiries: 0114 263 3890




We also post news for our enthusiast friends on Facebook - please search for TM Enthusiasts

Contact form

You can use this contact form to contact us easily and quickly. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

If you are making a complaint...

We are sorry that you having to make a complaint, we will do our best to resolve the issue. However when making your complaint can you try being as specific as possible in order to help our investigation, which would mean resolving your issue faster. Below are some ideas for you to put in your complaint which would help us out during our investigation.

If you purchased a ticket, all the infomation we need will 


  • Vehicle ID - if you can get the buses registration number or fleet number that's great! If not, a description of the vehicle (such as colour, size, whether it looks new or old) can help narrow it down
  • Route number - The route number should be displayed clearly on our buses destination displays, if you didn't see the route number then given us the location of incident should help to idenify this
  • What actually happened? This may seem an obvious one, but we need to know full details of what happened. eg. if the driver was rude, what did he do which was rude; if the driving standards were poor, how were they poor? 
  • Timing points - not all of our bus stops are timing points where the bus has to wait if it's early, if you look at the time tables on our website, if you can tell us the the closest timing point to where you got on this will allow us to immidiately identfy which journey it was.
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